you know, pascale,i cannot believe how lucky i am to have you as my daughter. you are brave, and funny and courageous and kind. i really think you are amazing.
loves: white cotton sheets, espresso, storytelling, fromage blanc, room service, a good laugh, a painting of cam's kitchen, my life so far... front porches, that bluepurpleblue colour, alberta landscape, cutting up stuff others think is sacred (vintage dictionaries), joan's paintings, faces of older women, red wine, letters, wind, gregory colbert's pix, shrieking with laughter,janet's hair.
aggravated by: people with minimal intellect in positions of power, dogs that shake, putting away groceries, loose eggs, jobs that begin before 9:00 a.m., windchimes. large- mother-of-all-windchimes. next door.
freaked out by: spiders.
in my closet: swiffer,swiffer junior, various swiffer attachments.
what i have learned about men:if they hate(d) their mother, you don't have a chance.
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